
Selection and Admission of Applicants

  • 1. The Chairman Joint Admission Committee will display a provisional merit list for each category of candidates. Objection, if any, be submitted in writing to the Chairman who will be competent to rectify any error or omission. The final merit list will be displayed two days before the start of interview, on MISAT notice board and website.
  • 2. The list of admitted candidates shall also be displayed on MISAT notice board, after the admission is provisionally finalized.
  • 3. No candidate will be admitted unless he/she have paid the fee and dues. All dues must be paid by the due date, otherwise next candidate on merit will be considered for admission.
  • 4. All admissions will be provisional and shall be confirmed only after approval of the Executive Director MISAT. All certificates or any other documents submitted with the admission form will be subject to verification.
  • 5. admission form will be subject to verification.
  • 6. The Director can remove a student from the college roll at any time during the course o his/her study if incorrect or wrong data had been submitted by such a candidate/
    parent/guardian at the time of admission. No show cause notice will be necessary for any action under this rule, nor would the Institute, the Director or any other authority be liable for damages for any action taken under this rule. Any cost of litigation accrued by the
    Institute on account of law where the fault of the candidate is proved, shall have to be paid by the candidate or his/her parent/guardian.
  • 7. Admission fee and other dues will not be refunded to those students whose admission is cancelled due to his/her forged documents or who are rusticated/expelled/ removed from
    the college roll for any reason.
  • 8.The Medical Board of the Institute will examine selected candidates. If a candidate is disqualified medically; he /she will not be admitted.
  • 9.The parent(s) or legal guardian must accompany all the candidates at the time of
  • 10. If at the time of interview, an eligible candidate is not present for any category of seat,
    these at will be offered to next candidate unless a very genuine reason for absence from interview on the due date or before is presented to Principal. The Principal will be the final authority to proceed to principal. The Principal will be the final authority to proceed futher in the matter and decide the case accordingly.


Admission Cancellation

NO student is allowed to cancel his/her admission after the closure of admission date.
Submission of Affidavit (only for admitted students)
All the students admitted to BS program in MISAT will have to submit an affidavit to the effect that he /she will complete BS Program in MISAT and all the original documents will be retained be the institute till the completion of his/her study in MISAT. Any student, who intends to cancel admission at any stage for seeking admission in another Medical College or for reappearance in KMU-CAT test, after the closure of admission, shall be liable to a penalty of Rs.40,000/- ( Four Hundred Thousand) for wasting of a precious seat.
Affidavit is to be recorded on Stamp Paper of Rs.30/- and only signed by the Oath Commissioner Original Documents will be retuned only after payment of the due penalty.


There is no lower or upper age limit for admission in MISAT, Bannu.
Note: Whenever two or more candidate’s arc bracketed equal in the final merit list, the older by age candidate will be preferred over the younger one. In case the tie continues, the one having better marks shall be preferred. If the tie still continues then the candidate with better marks in entrance test shall be given preference.
Admission of the candidate will be cancelled if:
1. It is found at any stage of BS course that the candidate was not entitled for admission according to the MISAT admission policy.
2. Candidate is found medically unfit at any stage of BS course.
3. Candidate fails to report for admission and fails to deposit the fee within due period.
4. Any document, information provided by a candidate is found false/fake or fabricated at any stage of BS course.
5. It is found that candidate was not entitled for admission in preference to the other candidates who applied for admission at any stage of BS course.

Vestibulum quis quam ut magna consequat faucibus. Pellentesque eget nisi a mi suscipit tincidunt. Ut tempus dictum risus. Pellentesque viverra sagittis quam at mattis. Suspendisse potenti. Aliquam sit amet gravida nibh, facilisis gravida odio. Phasellus auctor velit at lacus blandit, commodo iaculis justo viverra. Etiam vitae est arcu. Mauris vel congue dolor. Aliquam eget mi mi. Fusce quam tortor, commodo ac dui quis, bibendum viverra erat. Maecenas mattis lectus enim, quis tincidunt dui molestie euismod. Curabitur et diam tristique, accumsan nunc eu, hendrerit tellus.

Troansfer of Credit Hours from public sector University to MISAT

The cases of transfar of credit hours shall be placed before the MISAT equivalence committee to examine and take necessary decision in the matter. However, No credit hour of a course will be transferred if the grade is less than C for undergraduate and B for graduate.